DAY #2

WEATHER: Beautiful! In the 60s in morning and 70s afternoon!

WHO: Shelly and Me


DESTINATION: Cuyahoga Valley National Park



CAMPGROUND: Woodside Lake Park (site DR22)

CAMPGROUND REVIEW: ***Really nice campground. Pops, Jack and I stayed here in August 2021 and since I actually did a journal entry that day, I was able to look back! Would stay again


Biking Tow Path at Cuyahoga National Park


We woke up early (technically, the dogs got us up early!) I let the dogs out and fed them and than we got ready for the day and had Breakfast at Cracker Barrel. Saved the girls a piece of bacon :-)

Shelly had not been to Cuyahoga Valley National Park since it’s been a National Park, and she wanted her National Park stamp, so we head north. First stop was a photo op with the Ohio state sign (we missed both Virginia and West Virginia the day before!)

We drove to the Boston Mill Visitor Center at Cuyahoga National Park. The had done some renovations and updating since our visit in 2021 and it was very busy! Shelly and I got our passport stamps and talked to ranger about the Tow Path (a tow path is a path that goes along the side of a river or canal, used in the past by horses pulling boats. ? The Towpath Trail runs north and south. The northernmost trailhead is Canal Basin Park in downtown Cleveland. The southernmost trailhead is Canal Lands Park in New Philadelphia, Ohio. It is about 87 miles, with about 20 of them in the National Park. Pops, Jack and I rode about 28 miles when we visited in 2021. Part of the trail was closed, so we couldn’t do all of it, but we did about miles up and back from the visitor center. Beautiful day for a bike ride!

We’d got back from our ride and I fed the girls and took them for a nice walk. We thought about driving to Ohiopyle to meet up with Pops and Jack, but both of us are a little tired, so went back to same campground we had stayed at in 2021. Very nice, with trees.

Shelly made dinner, while I hooked up the starlink satellite. We ate dinner sitting outside and than took the girls for a long walk!